Monday, December 10, 2007

Stupid Dictator named Hosni Muburark

In Egypt now, they have a raging debate about subsidies which according the government led by Muburark cost more than what Egypt spend on Education and Health.The dictator went on TV to say that he wanted to have a debate about subsides and how it can be delivered to the poor. Now, mostly consumed by the well off people in Egypt.

He and his government know for sure that they can’t keep giving hand out to the well off Egyptian, while the poor has nothing left to them. Expect miserable hospitals and ailing education system. But as everyone knows that Mubuark is a weak leader and has no leadership skills of any sort, and also as old man of nearly 80 years of age. We really can’t expect anything from him.

The current subsidies paid by the Egyptian tax payer, as their future saving (retirement funds). The stupid man and his staff think no one will notice that by dipping their hand in money saved by the millions of sweating Egyptians, they are subjecting a whole country to permanent bankruptcy.

The current local debt ratio to GDP is around 100%, if we include another $30 billion of external debt. We can notice what sort of crisis the government working hard to make sure it will happen, and will lead to dire consequences to every single Egyptian, regardless of their social standing.

The global price of food is now at a record high, and it is expected to see more rises in the coming years. Regardless of the hyped talk of the government about the %7 growth rate, we have inflation eating any real increase in the incomes of working people; we are not talking about people on pension.

Keeping subsidies in its current format is destroying the future of Egypt. Moreover, it doesn’t present any real benefits to hard working Egyptians. Imagine that the hard working Egyptian paying subsidies to nearly 10 million tourists, massive number of refugees (around 4 million), well paid foreign diplomats, and Egyptian millionaires.

1 comment:

الشريف / جمال طة said...

بص شوف وقلى أعمل ايه مع الناس دول
برجاء الاطــــلاع وشكرا